Northern Getaway Northern Reflections Wine Rack Nutrition House P.D.Murphy Jewellery
Volume 1, Number 3 Click here for map Autumn 2005
THIS ISSUE: This Labour Day Weekend, we bid adieu to many of our Parry Sound Area Summer Residents and Visitors. Returning for an extended Fall Colour Tour? Then check Page Two of this issue for our Accommodations Guide, important Emergency Numbers and the location of our Sponsors and other services. Please take the time to visit our Sponsors - they are here year-round to serve you!
LOGGING DAYS ARE BACK! Strap on your overalls, dig out your plaid shirts for the 7th Annual Parry Sound Logging Days Festival in Parry Sound. Come & celebrate the founding of our Town with Lumber-Jack & Lumber-Jill Competitions. On Sept 24th at 10am, Georgian Bay Timber Sport Competitions will take place in Market Square Park. Chainsaw Competition Events include Single Buck, Double Buck, Swede Saw, Underhand Chop, Axe Throw, Springboard Chop, Pole Climbing, Chainsaw & Standing Block Chop. WHAT’S ON? Labour Day Weekend kicks off with the Annual Foley Fall Fair running from Sept. 2nd through 3rd at the Foley Fairgrounds. Corn on the Cob! Also on Sept 3rd, a Corn Roast brought to you by the Business Retention and Expansion Team will be held at the Stockey Centre Parking Lot, followed by an Acoustic Jazz Festival featuring the Red Peppers Dixieland Jazz Band which continues through Sept. 4th. This event is sure to please all in attendance with a unique and original blend of sounds. Red Peppers Dixieland Jazz Band - September 3rd The McKellar Fall Fair is Sept. 10th this year, with events for the whole family. Lunch at Allen’s plays at the Stockey Centre on Sept. 17th featuring such names as Murray McLauchlan, Cindy Church, Marc Jordan & Ian Thomas. Next comes the 7th Annual Parry Sound Logging Days Festival to be held between Sept. 23rd to 25th. This weekend-long event will include everything from logging competitions to step dancing, children’s activities and craft vendors - something for everyone! To top it all off, a performance by Everything Fitz, a live Canadian fiddle and step-dance group, will be held live at the Stockey Centre. At the Station Gallery, Sept. 10th to Oct. 2nd is The World in Black and White, wood engravings by Guy Debenham which also includes paintings by Diane Wheatley Debenham and Nicole Wheatley Heard. Later in October, watch for the Thanksgiving Studio Tour to be held at various artists’ studios in the area.
Please visit these Parry Sound Mall Stores Georgian Bay Fishing Camp Jeans Unlimited Rolling Rock Cottages
Last Sunset? SUMMER’S END For many people, the end of summer means a return to the routines of work or school. For others, the rustling of the autumn leaves brings instead the exhilaration and excitement of a new and uncertain future. New job, new school, new place, ready or not, the future is here for all of us. Fall signifies change. Re-birth and a fresh chance for anyone willing to take it. But don’t forget to slow down from time to time, relax and enjoy the beauty the season has to offer. HUMANE SOCIETY REMINDER In only seven years, one cat can produce over four hundred thousand cats, one dog can produce over LET ME OUT! six hundred thousand dogs! Who will feed and care for those dogs and cats? If not you, then act now and spay or neuter your dogs and cats. Give your animals proper food and water and exercise. Get up-to-date vaccinations to guard against illness or disease. Don’t leave your pet trapped in a car with the windows rolled up. Don’t leave your pet tethered outside with no protection from the elements or miscreants. Care for your animals. They will return your love a thousand fold.
Who's watching your cottage? WHO’S WATCHING YOUR COTTAGE? Here are a few tips for closing up the cottage. Make a final safety inspection. Check for weather-proofing of roof, windows & doors. The weather may be nice now, but winter can take a toll. Look for weak points open to damage from heavy snow, large rainfalls & falling limbs. Have a maintenance plan in place to help keep your summer home in good shape. Arrange for a friend or pay a local person or property management firm to periodically drop by your property. They should look for evidence of fire, vandalism, break-ins as well as checking gas, water, electricity, pipes and especially septic systems! Any valuables including stereo equipment & alcohol should be kept out of sight, preferably locked up, to deter break & entry. Have visible locks on all doors & windows. For extra security and depending on the value of your property, install alarm systems, timed lights, motion detectors and/or video surveillance systems. Strategically-placed security warning signs or stickers will help reduce the chance of theft or vandalism. Remembering these small details can help prevent a lot of time, money & frustration later on.
NEXT ISSUE: Our next issue, Winter 2005, published late November, will be freely available in most local Parry Sound stores & Information Centres. Let us know any news items you may want to be included. To advertise in the next issue, call us at 705-746-4625 or email Annual Subscriptions are $20 per year + GST/PST to cover the cost of postage & handling.
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Copyright © Parry Sound Publishing, 2005. All rights reserved. Parry Sound Publishing, Box 225, Parry Sound, Ontario, CANADA P2A 2X3 Tel/FAX (705) 746-4625